
Get Return Clients with Zero Effort

March 02, 20254 min read

Following up isn’t optional—it’s how you keep clients coming back.

🔹 People forget. Even if they loved your service, life gets busy. A simple nudge brings them back.

🔹 Lost clients = lost cash. It’s way cheaper to keep a client than find a new one.

🔹 Most businesses don’t do it. Stand out by showing you care.

🔹 It builds trust. Clients who feel valued return (and refer others).

🔹 It’s free marketing. You’ve already done the hard part—don’t let them slip away.

Want an easy way to automate follow-ups? I’ve got you. 🚀

⚡ P.S. If you are a Lead LinQ client, and want this workflow put into your account for free, just Contact Us and link this URL and we'll drop it right into your account (including the custom values and workflows). You will be able to modify it as much as you like but we'll save you time!

Here is the Step by Step!

Step 1:

First we'll create a custom field that will be attached to each contact to record their last appointment date.

Go to Settings > Scroll down in the left hand menu to Custom Fields > + Add Field > Date Picker > Name it Last Appointment Date and assign it to the Contact.

Now we have a blank field attached to the contact which we will set up to be automatically updated with an automation workflow.

create a custom fieldCreate New Custom Field

Step 2:

Go to Automations > Create New workflow > Create from Scratch

Create New AUtomation

Step 3:

Create a Trigger: Appointment Status

Event type: Any

Appointment Status is: Confirmed or Showed

(You will need to be using the integrated calendar in Lead LinQ for this to work)

Create New AUtomation

Then Update Contact Field > Scroll down and select the custom field you just created (I called mine Last Appointment Date) > Custom Date > Appointment > Appointment Start Date.

Updated Contact Field

This field will now automatically be updated every time they book an appointment!

Now we'll create a workflow that will send the emails and/or sms or and/voice messages to reengage those clients who have dropped off and not booked back in.

Step 4:

Create a New Workflow - Trigger will be Contact Changed

Contact changed

Select the custom field you created earlier > Has Changed

Contact changed 2

Step 5:

Now add a Wait Step and set it to wait ONE DAY LONGER than you want to send out the reminders.

if you want reminders to be sent after 7 days - wait 8 days

if you want reminders to be sent after 30 days - wait 31 days

if you want reminders to be sent after 90 days - wait 91 days

This actually means Lead LinQ will wait up to 91 days.

Step 6:

Now add an If / Else step.

In the first branch - select the Contact > scroll down to custom field you created "Last Appointment Date". Is - In the last 90 days (for example).

You can rename the branch to

In this example, Lead LinQ is waiting 91 days, if a client rebooks an appointment their custom value will be updated, putting them into this workflow. After 91 days, the system will have a look at the custom value date - the date of their last appointment - if is within the last 90 days - they have already rebooked. if it is not in the last 90 days, they need a reminder!

last appt date

Rename the other branch "Appt not in the last 90 days"

You should have something like this so far.


Step 7:

Now go to the branch where the appointment is NOT within the last 90 days, and we'll make up some communications to send them. This can be emails, instagram DM's, SMS, prerecorded voicemail, or an internal notification to yourself or a team member to reach out, or notify yourself that these messages have been sent.


💡Pro tip:

Don't try and sell anything. Just check in with them an ask how things are going to get a response. Send it on multiple platforms so they get it (you could add a wait step between each message)

Even better - record a voice message saying "hey how are things going with ______" (don't say a name) - now imagine how that would feel - getting what you think is a personalised voice message - you'd certainly remember that business!!

Email or social media example for personal trainers:

Subject: Hey {{contact.first_name}}, quick question for you!!

Hey {{contact.first_name}},

I was thinking about you the other day and just wanted to check in—how’s your training going? Are you still working towards your [goal they had, e.g., strength gains, weight loss, staying consistent]?

Would love to hear how you’re doing!

[Your Name]

⚡Important Settings

If you do not change these settings, a client will stay in the workflow even if they have booked a new appointment - that's not a good look!

Allow reentry - yes

Allow multiple Opportunities - no

Stop on response - yes (if they reply to any of the messages, they'll stop getting more message from this workflow)

important settings

Congratulations you've built an incredible, highly valuable workflow that will not only save time, but increase client LTV by getting them to return with ZERO effort and sacrifice from now on.

If you are a Lead LinQ customer and want this workflow put straight into your account, Contact Us now

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