Email set up

Connecting Email & Sending from a Dedicated Domain

February 23, 20251 min read

Sending from a dedicated domain will allow you to send emails within Lead LinQ and have them appear to come from your account, not Lead LinQ or MailGun.

lead linq email replies

This is also important for email deliverability - without a dedicated domain, you are sharing email deliverability and spam reputation with everyone else who uses that shared domain. Creating your own improves this deliverability and gets you out of the spam folder - once the domain has ''warmed up''.

Providers like Outlook, Gmail etc recognise that the email is being sent from a new domain and will flag them as spam so it is important to warm up your domain. Ensure you arent sending spam and really focus on sending emails to people who will open and engage with them at the start.

We also recommend you dont send bulk emails straight away. Start with a couple hundred for the first week or two, then slowly increase from there.

Now lets get started!

Step 1: Go to Settings > Email Services > Add Service / Create Dedicated Domain

Step 1

Step 2: Type in your a subdomain like then click add and verify

Step 2

Step 3: Click continue

step 3

Step 4: Go to your DNS provider and add in the records shown on your screen. Then click Add and Verify.

If Lead LinQ is also managing your domain, copy these values and email them to us at [email protected] and we'll add them in for you.
If someone else manages your domain, send these records to them for them to add.

step 1

Step 5: You have successfully created your own dedicated domain and emails sent from within the app will now appear to come from your business.

dedicated domain

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